
Working papers

Are all same-sex marriage rights created equal? Homophobia and labor market segregation from heterogeneities in same-sex marriage legalization. (Slides.) December 2022.

Work in progress

“Between facts and norms: (Empirically) Mapping the relationship between is and ought

“Recentered Synthetic Controls: A Method for Estimating Treatment Effects Dynamically”

“Political and Economic Spillover Effects of Brain-drain in Developing Countries: The Case of Mexico”

“Distributional welfare consequences on remote work locations”, with Sofía Ávila (Princeton).

Parallel universe

The (ir)relevance of moral facts as metaphysical foundations of legal facts. (In Spanish. Abstract in English.) Term paper for an undergraduate course in Philosophy of Law at the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM). December 2020.